Corporate Strategy External Whistleblower System Corporate Strategy External Whistleblower System

External Whistleblower System

As part of our efforts to promote compliance, we have set up a reporting system for receiving reports from external parties, including business partners. If you become aware of conduct by an officer or employee of Ateam Group that violates compliance, violates human rights, or is likely to fall under any of these, please notify us via the contact center below. Reports and consultations are treated as confidential information. All officers and employees of Ateam Group, in accordance with rules and regulations, protect the privacy of whistleblowers, prohibit retaliation, and do not permit any disadvantageous treatment.

Persons Who Can Report

  • Employees of corporations, companies, or organizations that have business relationships with Ateam Group

  • Sole proprietors or individuals who have business relationships with Ateam Group

Reportable Content

Conduct by an officer or employee of Ateam Group that violates or is likely to violate compliance

▼Examples of Reported Contents

  • Unfair trading, violation of laws and regulations (kickbacks, fictitious bills, falsification of documents, improper requests for entertainment/gifts, etc.)

  • Harassment (power harassment, sexual harassment, etc.) and other human rights violations

  • Harassment using one's position

  • Other illegal or unethical conduct

About the Contact Center

Please let us know using the form below.
All reports and inquiries will be investigated and handled appropriately in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal rules.
Dedicated Form for External Reporting
* Reports can be made anonymously, however please note that in that case there are limitations to the ability of us to respond appropriately to an investigation, and that we may not be able to disclose the results of the investigation.

This system does not apply to reports due to personal problems, libel and slander, or those lacking specific grounds.
In such cases, we will not take any action and may not be able to contact you.