Sustainability Sustainability
Realizing a Sustainable Business and Society to Achieve “Happiness” in Our Corporate Philosophy
We have already served as a platform to produce various businesses.
Going forward, we will aim to realize a sustainable society for future generations
under the theme of “Getting IT Done”.
Ateam’s Relationship
with Society
Operating Various Businesses and Delivering Value to Society through Business Creation
We believe that we can provide our customers better services day by day through our various businesses, and creating new businesses enables us to deliver new value to the world. We aim to make the world more convenient, fun, and secure as we pursue various businesses and services with sustainable growth.
Realizing the Business Concept of “Sanpo-Yoshi”
We value the business concept of “Sanpo-Yoshi”. This is a Japanese saying that essentially means “win-win” for three involved entities, in our case, Ateam, the customers, and partner companies. We will continue to generate services in which all three sides can benefit, and to endeavor to make our society a better place for all.
Stakeholder Engagement
We aim to realize the happiness of every stakeholder of Ateam. We continuously put forth effort to achieve sustainable growth for Ateam and society by deeply understanding the expectations and requests from our stakeholders and responding to them through mutual communication.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We believe that pursuing various business fields and operating diverse services can help us achieve our goals and provide our customers better services day by day, which will eventually lead to a more convenient, fun, and secure world. To embody our corporate philosophy, we need to pursue not only our own growth but also the sustainable development of the environment and society, which we believe is connected to the SDGs. Going forward, we will continue contributing to society through the various services we provide.
Human Capital
As a group of highly skilled professionals, we strive to utilize technologies to create new businesses. We believe that the most important element needed to embody our corporate philosophy is “people”, or “NAKAMA* who work together”.
Actions Toward a Sustainable Society
We take actions to realize a sustainable society with business endeavors. For example, preparing the next generations through career, programming, and financial education; social engagement activities such as donations to various causes; and delivering technology-related information for further development among engineer communities in the IT industry.