Message from the President Message from the President
Ateam was founded in 1997 as a personal business and got its start with contracted software development. Through numerous evolutions in the industry, including the emergence of Windows, the rise of mobile Internet, and the shift to smartphones, we have always continued to explore technologies and refine our technical expertise by adapting to the changing times. We have grown into an IT company that operates businesses by continuously providing content and services that meet the latest demands of consumers while exercising creativity and making full use of our technological capabilities in three core segments: the “Lifestyle Support Business", "Entertainment Business'', and "E-Commerce Business".
We celebrated the 20th anniversary since our corporate establishment in February 2020 and shifted to a holding company structure in 2021 with the goal of accelerating business creation.
These changes to our corporate structure and the transformation of the workplace due to COVID-19 created a fragmentation in our operations, which raised concerns that it may be difficult to see the value Ateam provides to society. In response and to reaffirm our strengths and the values that we provide to society, we defined our “Ateam Purpose” as “Combining Creativity and Tech to Deliver More Convenience and More Fun to All”.
Under our corporate philosophy “To Be a Company Where All Can Achieve Happiness Together” and “To Be a Company that Continues 100 Years from Today”, we will strive to make the world more convenient, fun, and secure as we continue to provide better services to our customers by leveraging our creativity and technological capabilities.
Takao Hayashi