Stock and Dividends Stock Information Stock and Dividends Stock Information

Shareholder Composition (as of October 31, 2024)

Securities code 3662
Number of shares authorized 32,100,000
Number of shares issued 19,789,200
Number of shareholders 7,642

Top 10 Shareholders (as of October 31, 2024)

Owner Shares Owned Shareholding
Ratio (%)
HAYASHI FAMILY INC. 5,600,000 30.0
Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trustee) 1,652,800 8.8
Ateam Employees' Stockholding 1,095,900 5.8
Takao Hayashi 706,000 3.7
Takahiro Makino 559,000 2.9
Custody Bank of Japan Ltd. (Trustee) 368,700 1.9
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 140040 295,800 1.5
Yukimasa Nakauchi 245,200 1.3
SBI SECURITIES Co., Ltd. 201,156 1.0

Shareholding ratio is rounded down from the second decimal place.

Treasury stocks (1,128,082 shares) are excluded in the calculation of shareholding ratio.

Distribution of Shares by Investor Type (as of October 31, 2024)

Owner Shares Owned Shareholding
Ratio (%)
Financial institutions 2,200,000 11.1
Securities firms 500,639 2.5
Other domestic companies 5,738,401 29.0
Foreign companies, etc. 1,297,903 6.6
Individuals and others 8,924,175 45.1
Treasury stocks 1,128,082 5.7

Shareholding ratio is rounded down from the second decimal place.

Distribution Trends of Shares by Investor Type (as of July 31, 2024)

Shareholding ratio is rounded down from the second decimal place. Therefore, the total percentage of the shareholding ratio at the end of each fiscal year might total less than 100%.

Number of Shareholders (as of July 31, 2024)

Jul 2020 Jul 2021 Jul 2022 Jul 2023 Jul 2024
People 8,330 7,424 8,149 8,462 8,040