Training and Support Training and Support
Training and Support
As part of our social contribution activities, we support career education through vocational lectures and school visits, programming education through our engineer community “Qiita”, and financial education through our simulation-type web game “NaviNavi Asset Management Design Game”.
Career Education Support
Ateam regularly invites junior high and high school students to visit the office, and our staff visits local schools to give vocational lectures. We hope that students are influenced to think of their future career plans and set life goals. Ateam will continue to contribute to the local community through these lectures and other activities.
Programming Education Support
The engineer community “Qiita” gives programming lectures to elementary and junior high school students as part of our social contribution activities. “Qiita” provides students opportunities to increase their interest in IT and to obtain actual programming experience applicable to daily lives. In the last year we gave lectures at more than three schools in Japan.
In the programming lectures, the programming language Scratch is used by students to learn basic programming and create movable characters in a simple game.
“Qiita” continues to encourage future engineers by offering an environment where children can learn and grow of their own volition.
Educational Support for the Bridal Industry
From October 2021 to January 2022, our wedding hall information site “Hanayume” conducted school visits and gave lectures six times about being a wedding planner to students at Osaka Wedding & Hotel IR Professional Training College.
The bridal industry has been significantly impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19, resulting in a declining number of recruitments in the industry. Even in these circumstances, we conducted school visits for students aiming to work in the industry with the objective of cultivating human resources that can perform as professionals immediately. The lectures were conducted by wedding advisors working at our Hanayume Wedding Desks.
“Hanayume” will continue to encourage students who aim to work in the bridal industry through school visits and other activities.
Financial Education Support
Our group company Ateam Finergy provides services and various information related to money and insurance. As part of our social contribution activities for financial education, we developed a web game for asset management to be used as teaching material for lectures. The “NaviNavi Asset Management Design Game” was utilized in lectures in over three high schools and universities. The game is available to the public as educational material for anyone to easily learn about asset management.
Financial education has been added to the educational curriculum in Japan alongside new guidelines for home economics in high schools from 2022. The guideline stipulates that asset management should be included in the curriculum of home economics in relation to life planning, so topics such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial instruments are now taught at schools. Moreover, it is expected in Japan as an aging society that the need for individuals to manage assets from a young age will become increasingly important. We hope to play an active role in helping individuals learn asset management while they are students so that we can ease financial worries in the future. Under the mission of “Eliminate Financial Worries for All”, Ateam Finergy contributes to society through financial education.
Details about Our Financial App Game
“NaviNavi Asset Management Design Game” is a simulation-type web game to learn financial planning throughout one’s life through simulated experiences in various vocations. The game-type app lets users learn asset building, decide how much income and savings to allocate in proportion of each vocation, plan how to manage assets, consider whether to purchase insurance, and experience simulated life and social events that they may face in their lifetime.
NaviNavi Asset Management Design Game