Sustainable Development Goals
Companies are expected to contribute to the world by providing sustainable values to society through their businesses while producing earnings for sustainable company growth. To realize our corporate philosophy, “To Be a Company Where All Can Achieve Happiness Together”, “To Be a Company that Continues 100 Years from Today”, we need to simultaneously pursue the growth of our business, and maintain a sustainable environment and society in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 and consist of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to ensure that by 2030 all people can enjoy peace and prosperity.
Ateam, as an IT company, will make the world more convenient, fun, and secure while operating services in various business fields, while maintaining business performance and making it possible to keep producing better services day by day. We will continue to contribute to society through our various services.
Goal3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Supporting employees’ health and welfare with further improvements to the workplace
Core Theme of Ateam
In addition, we support our employees’ health with meals at our cafeteria “LaPyuta”, which provides our employees healthy meals with balanced nutrition and minimal use of chemical seasonings. We also offer a relaxation massage system to support the physical and mental health of our employees.
Goal4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Conducting “fundamental AI training” for all employees to improve IT literacy
Core Theme of Ateam
We consider knowledge of IT and AI essential for everyone working at an IT company, so we started fundamental AI training for all employees at Ateam from August of 2020.
Providing financial, programming, and career education
Endeavor in New Fields
We developed an app for young users to experience asset building to improve their financial literacy that was adopted as educational material to support financial education, such as life planning, in lectures in Chukyo University, Meiji University, and Saitama University. Moreover, we hold financial seminars for adults to assist them in spending safer and living more prosperous lives. We continuously work to ease financial anxiety for the future through financial education including asset management and asset building.
Our engineer community “Qiita” actively provides programming education by giving programming lectures to elementary school students. We encourage future engineers by offering an environment where children who aim to become engineers can learn and grow of their own volition.
Ateam regularly conducts in-office visits and school visits for junior and high school students as a part of their career education. We promote regional activities in order to encourage them to understand the IT industry and to increase access to broader career choices.
Goal5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender equality and empowerment of women
Core Theme of Ateam
“Family Support” is a system introduced in 2017 that assists all employees to have lifelong careers at Ateam. We offer “Ikukyu-lunch” for our employees who take childcare leave and “Career Counseling” for those on leave. There is also a flexible working hour system to accommodate childcare and nursing care, and we utilize a subsidy program to provide employees various childcare services, special holidays, and more. Our company culture supports diverse working styles with flexible hours and the option to work from home.
Female employees play active roles in Ateam as the gender ratios show; 54% of our employees are male and 46% are female, and, 35% of managers at Ateam are female, well above the average of 15% at all companies across Japan. Recently, we take measures to promote childcare regardless of gender, which resulted in male employees also taking childcare leave.
Goal8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Encouraging to create new businesses
Endeavor in New Fields
Our business creation competition “A+” helps expand new job opportunities, create new businesses, and increase staff experience with management. The competition started as “New Business Ideas Championship” in April of 2008 and gives every employee the opportunity to propose new business ideas to top management. The championship is for both our sustainable growth and development, and for contributing to society and various industries by continuously providing valuable new services. Many of our services such as “Sugukon Navi (now “Hanayume”)” and “cyma”, were created via this competition. The championship changed its name to “A+” in 2011 and is regularly held every three months.
Generating a working environment and corporate culture that boost business creation through human resource systems and measures to strengthen company culture
Endeavor in New Fields
We provide various human resource systems and training programs to create an environment where all employees can set long-term career goals in Ateam and feel motivated with their work. By improving the accuracy of matching individuals, organizations, and job content, we can assign optimal positions for our staff. Increasing personnel mobility also enables our subsidiaries to become more active.
Specifically, our management holds meetings to discuss the possible transfer of employees who apply to job openings within our company via our “job posting” free-agent-type system.
In 2021, for the 8th consecutive year, Ateam was named as a “Best Company” in Japan’s version of “Best Workplaces” conducted by Great Place to Work®. Ateam was also selected as a “Best Company” in the Asian version of the same year. We will continue to aim for further growth in our businesses while realizing a workplace where all can feel fulfilled.
Goal9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Promoting technological innovation in society through our engineer community “Qiita”
Contribution of Our Existing Businesses
“Qiita” is the largest engineer community in Japan and aims to become an essential service to build infrastructure in the digital world. “Qiita” and “Qiita Team” support high quality software development accessibility for IT engineers. We believe that these initiatives will accelerate innovations in tech society and development of good will in the world.
Advancing AI and digital transformation in businesses
Contribution of Our Existing Businesses
A corporate project related to AI was launched in Ateam in order to advance future technological innovations. The “AI Working Group” project started in 2018 to promote the study and development of AI. Its goal is to realize sustainable growth with technological innovations by utilizing AI and digital advancements in our businesses. We hold study groups to share AI-related information and implement AI measures in each business and provide basic seminars of AI for all employees. We make use of this project to share and store knowledge and know-how associated with AI so that we can improve our services.
Goal11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Supporting individuals’ lives and living environment in Hikkoshi Samurai
Contribution of Our Existing Businesses
We provide a variety of life-related services to support people’s lives and their living environment. “Hikkoshi Samurai” supports residence discovery that accompanies life events such as entrance into new schools, new employment, marriage, and house purchases. The service helps users choose which moving companies are best suited to their needs. “Hikkoshi Marugoto Switch”, selected in “Hikkoshi One Stop Service” (provided by the government of Japan), is a service that supports moving to a new residence seamlessly with documentation required in Japan.
We also launched the “Hikkoshi DX (Digital Transformation) Project” in 2021. Under the concept of “With IT, To Save Time and Effort of Moving”, the project aims to achieve an innovative user experience with moving. As of now, the project has released moving services to make every step of the moving process fully online.
Goal12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Realizing a sustainable society by encouraging reuse of consumer goods
Contribution of Our Existing Businesses
We encourage the reuse, reduction, and recycling of consumer goods to contribute to society. Our car appraisal and trade site “Navikuru” enables users to sell their used cars for higher prices by comparing several automobile traders. To realize responsible consumption, we operate the automobile disposal trade site “Navikuru Haisha Kaitori”, a platform to share knowledge of purchasing used cars with “Navikuru car”, and a mediation service to purchase pianos that are no longer in use with “Hikkoshi Samurai’s” piano purchasing service. We will continue to commit to a sustainable society through our services.
Providing safe and secure services
Contribution of Our Existing Businesses
Ateam is entrusted with important personal information of individuals and partner companies through our operation of mobile apps and web services. We take great care in handling personal information to protect privacy. We will continue to make information management a priority as we provide new safe and secure services.