Personnel Development Personnel Development

Personnel Development


We provide training programs based on employee positions, which includes training for new graduates, mid-career employees, as well as for managers and executives. We also hold a variety of other training programs and study groups such as “Team Learning” in which employees themselves serve as instructors and teach others, as well as joint study groups for engineers, designers, and marketers. With “Team Learning”, seminars focus on content that enrich one’s career and life. We provide opportunities to learn not only skills necessary for work performance but also behavioral development seminars, career development seminars, and asset management seminars.

Training Program for New Employees

We provide training for our new employees (new graduates and mid-career workers) over a period of one to three months after they join Ateam. It is expected for them to aim to become a contributable force in the early stage of employment, therefore, they first learn basic knowledge and skills required for their jobs as well as the rules/regulations necessary for work.


Training for New Graduates

In the first two months of employment, new graduates will learn knowledge and skills required to work at Ateam. The training program is designed to instill the rules/regulations, business manners, and necessary skills to work.


Training for Mid-Career Workers

When mid-career workers join Ateam, they will learn about the origins and history of the company, our businesses and services, and the rules/regulations for work as an initial orientation. After three months, a one-day “business orientation” is carried out to gain a deeper understanding toward our businesses, as well as to establish relationships with our management team. Over this one-day course, the top leaders of Ateam’s subsidiaries and general managers explain details about their businesses.


Management Training

Management training is carried out twice a year for employees in or above management positions. We have established the “Ateam Management Style” detailing the expectations of management personnel at Ateam to strengthen our management system and organizational foundation. We conduct periodic surveys on management and provide feedback. The training and surveys are conducted twice a year.

Training for Executives

We carry out training for directors and executive officers. Topics of the training are adjusted according to Ateam’s focus. Past topics included M&A, Directors’ Duties and Responsibilities (Corporate Law and Corporate Governance), Business Management, and Accounting. For each company’s top leader, Business Strategy Training is also provided.

Team Learning

Under the concept of “Teach and Learn from Each Other”, we have a unique training program where the employees themselves become instructors. This event has been held more than 100 times since 2018. With “Team Learning”, employees share their knowledge and expertise with others so that they can learn and grow together. External instructors are also sometimes invited to share their expertise.

We have a culture in which our employees voluntarily teach each other as we cherish the notion that not only our executives but every member of Ateam takes responsibility for business management. We provide information and knowledge to other teams and groups beyond their own divisions. By institutionalizing it as a training program, it has become possible to share and accumulate know-how and knowledge throughout Ateam while valuing the autonomy of our employees.

Cross-Company Study Groups

A wide range of study groups are held in Ateam; including study groups for engineers, designers, marketers, public relations, and AI specialists. The objective is to encourage interactions among our various companies while learning from each other and sharing knowledge and insights to improve individual skills and organizational productivity.


Basic AI Training

One of the corporate objectives of fiscal year 2021 was for everyone to gain basic AI skills and we carried out basic AI training programs in the company. KIKAGAKU Inc. provided the educational programs on advanced technology and cooperated with us to create an internal training program utilizing their AI training specialists. The program was mandatory for all employees and required them to at least study the curriculum for 10 hours to a maximum of 50 hours during work time.


Purpose of AI Training

It is expected that more and more businesses will utilize AI, so basic AI skills are becoming an educational standard for business professionals. Ateam, as an IT company operating various businesses around the internet, supports all employees to obtain basic AI skills so that they can understand how the technology works, which will help us achieve greater business performance in the future.