Health and Safety Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Under our corporate philosophy “To Be a Company where All Can Achieve Happiness Together” and “To Be a Company that Continues 100 Years from Today”, we pursue a safe and healthy workplace for all. Therefore, we foster an environment to assist our employees to perform their work in smooth and efficient ways while improving systems and providing opportunities to learn about safety and health issues at the workplace.
Work Environment
Massage Room “MoMita”
“MoMita” is a relaxation system that provides massages to our employees without charge. The system aims to support our employees’ health by providing them a place to refresh their minds and bodies. As the system is available free of charge to our employees, there is no financial burden. The massage room is located a short distance from the office space, allowing employees to easily take this break from work.
Refresh Space “NeMita”
There is also a healing relaxation space called “NeMita” with the motif of a forest where you can smell natural aromas and hear the chirping of birds in the office. This refreshing space was created as a response to employee requests for an area to relax in and refresh in a natural non-office setting.
Five-Day Consecutive Vacation Time “A-LOHAS”
“A-LOHAS” is a vacation system aiming to create an environment for our employees to proactively take a long vacation. The system allows them to take 5 consecutive business days off using annual paid leave.
It is common for employees working in Japan to feel concerned about troubles caused for co-workers by taking a long vacation. Thus, we established this system to let our employees take vacations without concern while hoping that they can take the opportunity to refresh themselves away from work to realize a balanced working style.
Employee Health Support
“LaPyuta” Cafeteria that Provides Nutritious Meals
The employee cafeteria “LaPyuta” has a view 150 meters above ground and is the highest cafeteria in the Tokai region. We support our employees’ health by providing balanced meals with minimal use of artificial seasonings. We serve breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even alcoholic beverages* at nighttime. Therefore, some of our employees use the cafeteria as a social pub after work. The meals and beverages are available at special employee prices as the company covers part of the costs.
*Breakfast, dinner, and alcoholic beverages are currently not available to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Personal Health Support
We implemented the healthcare management service “Carely” that is based on the health data of working people. The service enables us to smoothly manage our employees’ health with proper consultations, supervision of employees in poor health, and mental health support.
Disaster Safety Confirmation System
We introduced a system to receive disaster safety confirmation e-mails to ensure employee safety in the event of an earthquake measuring 5.0 or higher. We test this safety confirmation system once a month, store disaster prevention goods, and conduct disaster drills.